are brewed by two companions from The Hague Jasper and Jeroen, their brewery and tasting room is based in de Binckhorst The Hague in an old factory. The Beers of KOMPAAN provide a wide range of taste. KOMPAAN mostly uses German and American hops. Each beer is brewed with a variety of malts. KOMPAAN has 5 year round beers from a type chech pilsener (extra hopped) to an Imperial Stout with ruby port as additive.
For each season of the year KOMPAAN brews a special, for this spring there is an Saison beer with an abv of 6.4% this beer is hopped with an American Simcoe and dry hop hard with Saaz en EK Golding the European noble hops. Some of the beers from these companions get an extra special finish. For the more complex beers KOMPAAN uses different barrels for aging their beers. Think of Filliers, Jack Daniels, Bunnahabhain, Highland Park and Bowmore. If you like you can visit the brewery and have an wide range of beer tasting.
Kompaan 20
A light colored fresh, dry beautiful and bitter beer. For this beer the brewers used an umperfermented yeast string. The beer is brewed with 4 different malts and 3 different hops. The hops which are use are a german bittering hop and two american aroma hops. Color 15 EBC, Bitter 38 EBU, 5.2 % abv. unfilterd unpasterized
Kompaan 45
Beer inspired by stout & porter for this beer the brewers used 6 type of malts, and 3 types of hops. The beer has an delicious malty taste, the beer has hints of chocolate and bay leaf. Color 200 EBC, Bitter 34 EBU, 7.1% abv. unfilterd unpasterized
Kompaan 070
Premium chech style hopped pilsner for this beer the brewers used 2 malts and 2 hops. The KOMPAAN 070 stands out as a real premium pilsner. Color 7 EBC, Bitter 24 EBU, 5.0% abv. filterd unpasterized
Kompaan 58
Double IPA for this beer the brewers used 3 malts and 3 hops, Simcoe, Cascade, Amarillo all American citrusy hops. This beer is given a warm and cold dry hopping with Amarillo. In contrast to the KOMPAAN 20 the brewers used 5 times as much hops. Color 65 EBC, Bitter 60 EBU, 8.2% abv. unfilterd unpasterized
Kompaan 39
Imperial Stout with Port as additive. For this beer the brewers used 5 malts and 3 hops. during the boil the brewers added raw ruby port. The taste goes from Hops, to Chocolate, Roasted Malts, Smokeyness and Port. For this beer the correct state of mind is necessary. Color 370 EBC, Bitter 80 EBU 9% abv. unfilterd unpasteurized